The Primary Obstacle to Sex Is Female Goonism Not Male Competition
Women have devolved into Goblins: Sterile, overworked entities masturbating in Goon Caves
When Conservatives moralize about internet pornography, they repress the fact that by volume the internet is primarily a pornography distribution network. 80% of the internet is pornography. Every process on the internet is derivative of some prior process necessary for the use, distribution and purchase of pornography. The internet is a pornography distribution machine with auxiliary functions built on top of it. Just because it is possible to do business inside of a strip club, does not make a strip club a bank. A strip club is a strip club because its primary infrastructure was built for strippers.
Escaping The World of Fantasy
In order to be understood properly, every cultural process on the internet must be viewed within the register of pornography. The function of social media is to platform whores so they can be whores, while trapping men in a vicious cycle of paying whores and yelling at whores for being whores. On the internet, The Woman is Christ who died for the sin of being masturbated to. The masturbator’s phone is concurrently their girlfriend and a stern disapproving Protestant father: Jordan Peterson. No masturbation session is complete without the obligatory confessional. The Manosphere is an emotional support network for men who just finished ejaculating all over themselves.
The challenge of writing effective sexual strategy for men raised by the internet is addressing the reality of contemporary dating-age women. The problem is the majority of the Manosphere is no longer interested in sexual strategy. They seek death through perpetual anesthesia. There are two forms of suicide: suicide by strangulation of the neck and suicide via strangulation of the penis. The Manosphere has anesthetized itself to reality and is incapable of discussing women outside of the Madonna-Whore fantasy structure, as a living, breathing human being.
Sex Is Work and Beta Males Are Lazy
Betas think that they want pleasure and happiness, but here’s the rub: pleasure is self-negation, to decay and dissolve into oblivion. Bugman austerity enjoyers no longer want to strive or expend energy, instead living in small boxes while cumming all over themselves. To desire nothing, to be content: only the dead have this in common. They will be forever content lying in their graves. This is why Protestants pump the brakes on pleasure—they know it leads to entropy and dissolution. They hate surplus, as it leads to debauchery.
The Red Pill has become optimized for children of brown immigrants, not looking for sex. They just want to be in a big condom of rules, protecting themselves from real life, from real sex. Men who need to disassociate with moralism, universal platitudes, fantasy do so because they lack the courage to deal with the situation before them. And here’s the problem: in the Current Year, women have been reduced to and devolved into Goblins. Sterile, overworked entities residing in Goon Caves. How do you bring this person to normal existence? Allow her to regain some semblance of subjectivity so you can fuck her in the Goblin Pussy.
Destruction of the Middle Class is the Destruction of the Middle-Class Woman
Over the past quarter-century, the middle class and its lifestyle have been obliterated through a combination of NAFTA, inflation and student loans. The billionaire class has done an excellent job isolating, segregating and externalizing cost onto the middle class while accruing profit. At first, this was done in a subtle way and required careful explanation. But after the masking, lockdowns and blood clot doom juice terror campaign, not much needs to be said about the class war.
The destruction of the middle class is the destruction of the dating scene. It's no longer the 2000s. Middle class women don't hang out at malls waiting to be cold approached by Pick Up Seduction Masters. They Bedrot in their GoonCaves subsisting on processed cheese GirlDinner. The economy and culture have plummeted to such a low that most dating age women embody Foucault's bare life.
The Primary Obstacle to Sex Is Female Goonism, Not Male Competition
The entire middle class has been shuffled into slow zones. At the individual level, into goon pleasure caves; at the community level, into 15 min cities. The great paradox of the post-pandemic world is that to be financially successful you have to be in the fast lane. However, in order to be sexually successful you must dip down into the slow lane where females reside before swooping off like an egret.
Imagine your first encounter with a goblin-mode GoonQueen: You step into the dimly-lit studio apartment, greeted by the single bookshelf containing every season of Doctor Who and affiliated merchandise. A single mattress on the floor, its sheets haven’t been washed in months. She sits next to you, her breath smelling of hydrogenated canola oil and high fructose corn syrup. She slides her trusty purple dildo out from under some magazines and murmurs: “I won’t be needing this bad boy tonight.” You are in the den of a FemGooner. You are in grave danger. As you undress each other, you pull out your favorite brand of condom, but she says: “it’s okay, I’m on the pill.” You’re freaked out enough to insist on the condom, but not enough to flee this hovel into the light of Christ.
Leading your Goblin Girl out of Plato’s Goon Cave
Fucking a GoblinGooner Masturbation Queen is like drinking from a muddy puddle. It may quench your thirst, but it will taint your soul (and your GI tract). As a Disciple of Christ, your first duty is to destroy her idols of pagan femininity and sloth: grab a cutting board and a giant butcher’s knife and slice up her dragon dildo like your favorite magic dragon avocado sushi rolls. Log her out of her friend’s Netflix account and throw her Roku remote out of the window into mid-day traffic. If all else fails, show up at 8 am, drag her out of bed and cook her some grass-fed burgers on her stove that she only uses to boil water for ramen. Clear a space in the middle of her studio apartment and teach her the basics: sit-ups, push-ups, burpees. Make sure she flosses every day and gets adequate sunlight. If you can follow all these steps, you’re halfway towards turning your goon goblin into a Functional Femoid.
Women resent you for pulling them into the fast lane. However, their slow lane is their death. What Brutalism did to architecture, social media did to the female soul. Netflix Dildo Ramen Noodle Box wine is death—the slow effacement of subjectivity into a faceless FemCoomer, a modern woman bored out of her mind, resigned to a life of premium streaming services and GrubHub deliveries while dwelling in her Fem-GoonCave.
Play The Cards You Were Delt Not The Cards You Were Promised
The real challenge of relationships in the current year is pulling women out of their ramen noodle, Netflix, dildo Goon Cave and submitting them to reproductive use. You’re dragging her out of Plato’s Goon cave and up the Divided Line. A Femoid Goblin Coomer with a bronze soul can never be a gold soul trad Waifu. However, as a post-apocalyptic pragmatic scrapper you can repurpose a Goblin Gooner Girl into a halfway-acceptable Basic Bitch. It won't be the relationship that your grandparents had, but in today's day and age bi-weekly Instagram camel toe posting is considered conservative. Be realistic about the situation. Her body is not a temple; it's a World Trade Center. You're not her first; you're her second airplane. Regardless of what anyone says, it's not your fault. She was already rigged for demolition by Mossad. You're just doing the best with the cards you were delt.
Understanding and overcoming the neoliberal dating hellscape is the fastest way to level up your life. There's only so much that I can simplify for a short Substack article. My heavily censored book The Pillars Of Wisdom is a comprehensive social, financial and sexual guide for the contemporary man.
"Leading your Goblin Girl out of Plato’s Goon Cave"
I laughed so hard at that. Phenomenal writing style.
Based and red pilled 👏