How To Slide Your White Meat Into Asian Girls
Contrary to popular belief, not all Asian girls are the same
Over the past couple of months I've noticed a series of race specific dating guides posted to the Red Pill. Indian men wrote articles for other Indian men to help address specific Indian issues. Asian men have done the same and so have Blacks. In my opinion this is a positive development as race and culture have substantive influence on dating. The Red pill is predominantly American, Canadian, English and Australian. Which is to say, the Red Pill is mostly white. So why haven't Whites written anything for other Whites? There is nothing racist about Indians writing for other Indians, so why can't we Whites get in on the action? Luckily for you guys Red Pill Superstar GLO is here to answer your most pressing White dating question: How To Stuff Your White Meat Into Asian Girls.
- Why Asian Girls?
There are three things Asian mothers hate: shoes on in house, checking their blind spot and chubby daughters. Asian fat shaming has single handedly saved generations of Asian women from the unfuckability epidemic experienced by Whites and especially Blacks. On top of that, Asian women are generally less television brainwashed as their parents forced them to practice violin for 6 hours a day. In other words White women have made themselves intolerable, pushing White men towards the Asian persuasion. Finally college campuses have been completely taken over by Asians since they actually study for the SAT, meaning their is a wide selection.
-Choosing the Right Asian:
Contrary to popular belief, not all Asian girls are the same. They might sort of look alike, squeak like IKEA furniture when intercoursed , and shuffle their flip flops everywhere they go however, there are key differences you must consider in making your selection. The most important factor is when her family immigrated. First and second generation Asians retain their culture while third generation+ are a gamble and may be westernized shitshows like Ellen Pao. The next thing to consider is whether or not she has white friends. Asians who have white friends are more likely to sleep with white dudes than those who exclusively hang in Asian cliques. Finally: Does she conform to Asian beauty standards? If she isn't ultra petite, ghost pale and lacks an eye fold, she is looked down upon by other Asians. White men don't give a fuck about that shit. Which means there is an excellent opportunity to ball up some Asian girls with low self esteem.
- Act White:
The key to getting any interracial action is not being an apologetic pussy. When white guys talk to Asian girls usually the first thing they do is supplicate by trying to show how Asian friendly they are. Asian girls don't care that you like Sudoku, Teriyaki and Anime body pillows. You deciding to submit to her Asian ways raises more red flags then Saigon in 1975. The white guys who do best with Asian girls aren't the ones who wear robes and have samurai sword collections they are the white guys who act white. Asian girls that want to sleep with white guys want to sleep with White White Guys like Channing Tatum who act white and do white bro things. They are looking for an invitation into White World with its footballs, barbecues, and plaid shirts. That's the fantasy. So don't cock block yourself by saying weird or controversial shit.
- Dating Asian Girls:
The key to setting up a date with an Asian girl in College or Grad School is using the phrase: Study Break. Memorize this phrase because it is your key to China Vagina. Asian girls love talking about how busy they are with school. Help them rationalize forgoing productivity for reproductivity by saying something like: "Wow O Chem sounds so much worse than my Jurisprudence class. You should come over for a study break. My bros are going to watch football and eat ribs. An Asian girl who is somewhat attracted to you can't say no to that. It gives her an exciting White guy story where she did White things, that she can use for social validation. $20 spent on ribs and mashed potatoes is a great price for Vietnamese Tunnel. Also girls who just ate are more fun, happier and easier to fuck.
- Contrast Game:
The essence of Contrast Game is doing the opposite of what Average Frustrated Chumps do. When flirting with Asian girls AFC's default to cultural sensitivity. What country are you parents from? Oh that's so cool my brother went on vacation in China . That's weak and kills conversation faster than smartphones. Which is why you should default to mild to moderate cultural insensitivity. Girls who don't enjoy insensitivity may be "Mattress Girl" tier SJWs, so its good to screen them early. Here are some things to try: If she hits you accuse her of Karate chopping. Occasionally remind her that this is America and that we have freedom here. If she says "Wow that's fucked up." Agree. Don't apologize.
In the 90's and early 2000's weird, fat awkward, middle class White guys could score hot Asian women. Those days are long gone. White women have become so insufferable that they have driven up the SMV of Asians. Asian girls are no longer the easy option they once were. Luckily for you I have imbued you with all the necessary knowledge you need to succeed in the modern dating environment, and do what you were born to do:
Whatt the fuck😭😭😭😭😭
I had an Asian GF for a while and this is all pretty spot on. She was 26, I was 36 and she lived at home. Her parents came over from China and were super strict. She had to be in nursing school, only Chinese language in the home, no dating. She wasn’t allowed to have a boyfriend, especially a white one, so she had to be with me in secret like we were in high school or something. I was definitely the forbidden fruit and she had a huge case of preacher’s daughter syndrome. She had zero interest in Asian men and she was into me because I was clueless about her culture.
She would wait for her parents to go to work (which they did 80+ hours a week), then she would come over to my house, pick up my dry cleaning and bring me coffee and food or something on the way. Then she would fuck the living shit out of me. Full on porn video stuff. Everything that was taboo and would give her parents a heat attack, she was into. She asked me to do stuff to her that I actually had to turn down because I didn’t feel comfortable doing it (like slapping her in the face mid orgasm). After sex she would clean my house and then go home. She never once spent the night the entire time we were together.
She ended up being a super jealous crazy person so the relationship crashed and burned but it was pretty fun while it lasted.